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B.Y.O.D.C. Pond Skim – Gunstock Mountain Resort, Gilford NH

April 5 @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

B.Y.O.D.C. means Bring Your Own Dry Clothes!

End the season with a splash and come participate in our annual B.Y.O.D.C. Pond Skim on Saturday, April 6th! This fun and hilarious competition is open to all ages brave enough to attempt to cross our manmade pond at the base of the slopes. Wear your favorite costume and show us your swagger and pizzazz as you make your way across, but make sure your water skiing skills are up to snuff, or you could end up in the drink – that’s where the dry clothes come in! Prizes will be awarded for Best Cross, Best Splash, and Best Costume, so dress to impress! All proceeds benefit the Greater Lakes Region Children’s Auction!

  • Registration online opens approximately one week prior to the event. Check back often.
  • Limited number of participants allowed
  • 9-11 a.m.: Bib pick-up in the foyer of the Historic Main Lodge
  • Noon: Pond Skim competition starts
  • Awards: 1/2 hour after competition ends

There will be a beer garden and BBQing outside the Stockade Lodge beginning at 11 a.m. See you there!



April 5
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Category:
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